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Do You Suffer From SEO Confusion?


SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) can be very confusing especially if you do not know how the system works. It is important to know not only what to do but how it affects your campaign. Doing some research will allow you to do the right things to get the results you are looking for. If you currently have an SEO plan in place but are not getting the results that you were originally wanting, it is possible that you are in a state of SEO confusion.

Don’t Be Fooled by SEO Jargon

A lot of companies will attempt to confuse you with what we call “SEO jargon”. Terms like meta tags, robot.txt files, etc give you the suggestion that the topic of Search Engine Optimisation is too confusing to understand. The reality is much different.   With the correct website architecture and set up, in most cases all of  the technical jargon is taken care of and you do not need to worry about it from then on.  There are many free online tools you can use which can help determine if you’re website developer has created your website so it is SEO friendly.  If you would like to learn more about these free tools, contact us today. A good SEO company will liase with your web developer to ensure these website architecture issues are resolved.

SEO Is Content Marketing

We cannot stress this enough: SEO is not just about the keywords. SEO is a balance between keywords and relevant content.  The optimal way to know if your content is relevant is to ask yourself. “If you were your customer, would this content be helpful to you? “

Google used to crawl websites to search for keywords and determine their  “keyword density”, however over time this has become less and less important. Google realized that some SEO companies were simply stuffing these keywords into content and the information did not make sense. Now, they look for relevant content about keywords and that is what determines your SEO ranking. To fix this problem, you need to connect your content and keywords. If they are integrated, you will have a much more successful SEO campaign. SEO and content marketing overlap quite a bit so it is best to start thinking of them in the same category.

Focus On Offsite Optimization

If you have set up your website in a way that optimizes SEO, you also need to incorporate offsite components. This is mostly link building. Doing this creates authority, which will help boost your SEO results. Building authority to your website is all about link building. If you simply state something and have nothing to back it up, like a link that contains research on the subject, then Google may think you are stating something that has no backbone. Building links can be very time consuming but it will help tremendously with your SEO. Even if you do everything else right, your SEO could suffer without proper link building. This will create more traffic and a higher ranking. Spend some time on your links and ensure they are of high quality.

Lack Of Constant Research Can Leave You In The Dark

The face of SEO is always going to change and update and you should stay on top of the news to keep your website relevant. At the same time, you should evaluate your keywords often to ensure you are still using the best ones for your ranking. These can change over time as well and you want to ensure you are using the best ones to get the best results. Every few months you should evaluate the words you are using and research variations to see if there is a better variation to utilize. Failing to do this could result in the confusion you are in now even after all the work you did to build it up.

If you would like to learn more about SEO please download our free e-book “Don’t invest a dollar in SEO until you read this”.



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