3 Google AdWords/PPC Marketing Myths
When it comes to Google Adwords and PPC (pay per click) campaigns, there are several things that you need to forget you ever heard. Some of these myths have come about through common logic while others have been around from the beginning. Before setting up your Google Adwords campaign, you need to understand how it works. Taking a few of this myths out of the equation will help you see just how important it is for the adword to be relevant to the content.
I Am Saving Money By Having Fewer Clicks
While there is some common sense behind that statement, it could not be further from the truth. In reality, when you have fewer clicks on an adword, Google will determine it to be unpopular or irrelevant. This determination actually causes your Quality Score to go down. When that happens, you end up paying per per click. Your Quality Score is very important because it determines the price and placement for your company. Even though you have fewer clicks on the adword, you may be paying more. You want a lot of clicks on your campaign. If you are not getting them, you probably need to rethink your placement or choose a better suited keyword selection or ad design. This will save you money in the long run.
Adwords Is Basically An Auction And I Need The Highest Bidding Price
While it is true that you pay a bid for certain keywords to have them connected to your website, the idea that it is an auction is very outdated. The price you pay per click is only one factor and a very small one at that. People still think that the amount you pay creates the placement for the adwords and if another company is above you, they must have paid more. This is very false because now Google takes a lot of factors in while determining the position. They pay attention to the relevance of your content to the chosen keyword and also to how many clicks you generate. In reality, your click through rate (CTR) is a large determinant of your position on the page. You may think that people are paying more for their bid than you are for the higher ranking but it is simply not true. Studies have shown that the pricing for certain keywords is around the same amount for different companies.
Google Adwords Is Too Expensive
Many people look at the price and then go the other way but when you think about it, the pricing is no different than advertising. The difference with Google Adwords is that it leads people directly to your website with a link that is available right then. With other forms of advertising, people need to remember or write down the contact information to reach you. There are some cases, however, where Google Adwords is not ideal and you should examine some statistics in your company prior to setting up your campaign. Taking a look at your ROI and break even rate will tell you if a Google Adwords campaign is feasible for your business.